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Updated: Nov 7, 2022

It's been a busy month for Janette's Companions ... We've been busy inspiring and motivating your loved ones to get involved in 'themed fortnights.' We certainly haven't been disappointed!! There's been conker collecting, mindful walks, enjoying the mild weather and warm autumnal sun. Watching squirrels burying their nut store, observing the Robins, collecting leaves, acorns, fir cones and catkins for a lovely table display.

Some clients have enjoyed visiting local stores and wandering around pressing all the buttons on the Halloween characters.

One client has written a beautiful poem .... encapsulated October and illustrated this perfectly.

We had a flurry of personalised homemade cards made, what a lovely surprise for the recipients when they are sent!!

There's been an array of delicious Halloween cupcakes tried and some clients have really liked the crochet or knitted pumpkins that have been displayed in local cafes and Garden Centres.... there's so much talent around.

So much joy and delight to be experienced watching the leaves change colour, sitting watching signs of life and a change in the season's colours from their conservatory or lounge windows - golden yellow hues, through to vibrant reds, crimsons and lime green leaves, dappled and dancing in the sunshine.

Two clients accompanied by their Companions to a local Dementia Cafe, saw a lot of concentration on the Halloween and Norfolk specific quizzes .... and they came second in the Halloween quiz!! Sharing out the prizes between them....

Enjoying a delicious and welcome hot chocolate and a chance to chat and socialise ...invaluable!!

Activities can come in any form of creativity and use of imagination, and you can clearly see this highlighted in our fab selection of photos!! Wonderful to see so much enthusiasm and motivation to participate!!

A beautiful poem, one of our lovely ladies recited from the poetry book her dad gifted her.......


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